April 16, 2008


The 14th of February Pilar Cernuda moderated in the Hotel Occidental Miguel Angel the discussion about the infantile obesity.
Agatha Ruíz de la Prada was there with Coloman Trabado (800´s metres World Champion), Doctor Basilio Moreno (Boss of the Obesity’s Department in the Gregorio Marañon´s Hospital), Felix lobo (Spanish Agency of Security Nutritional´s President and Univ professor in the Universities of New York and Berkeley) and Ricardo Martí Fluxá (Institute Tomás Pascual´s President).
Agatha talk about the influence that the Fashion can have in the children’s and she emphasize the importance that we need to give to the design to combat the infantile obesity in all its senses… like for example, to present funnies and attractive healthy dish to the children.

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